You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please join me in prayer for Olivia's full and complete healing. Pray God would give her the strength to fight the battle that's going on in her body. Thank you and God bless!
Our son who has mental health issues got arrested and is sitting in jail. He rejects God. He has struggled with this for over 9 years. We are not on speaking terms.
My niece Amy is 38 with a husband and two daughters ages 10 and 8
Amy has stage 4 colon cancer and has already done 6 months of Chemo which has done nothing to slow the cancer. The doctors have given her no hope. She needs a miracle which our family believes Jesus can do. Her husband who is 44 had a near fatal heart attack from the stress of watching his wife suffer with this disease. Please pray for this entire family!
Please pray with me for my father who is now back in ICU with pancreatitis. This started on March 13. Prayers for strength for him and prayers for the team of doctors for solutions. Thank you
Prayer Request for the Keryx Prison Ministry Weekend at Chippewa Correctional Facility (URF) in Kincheloe, MI on April 13-16, 2023
Keryx Prison Ministry is a group of volunteers from all over Michigan from all denominations. There are 40 of us from the "outside" volunteers on team for this weekend. There also will be ~25 men from the "inside" team (inmates) who have been through a Keryx weekend that help us on the weekend.
There will be 48 new inmate candidates from various backgrounds (Christian, Non-Christian, satan worshipers, Muslims, non-believers, Native Americans, etc). Together we sing songs, listen to talks, eat together, learn about the love of Christ, and worship together from Thursday night through Sunday afternoon.
To watch the Holy Spirit, transform these inmates from the rough-tough men that come in on Thursday and change them into the tender-hearted men that leave on Sunday is truly amazing. The transformation has nothing to do with us. It is all GOD. We get to have a front-row seat to see God's glory in action.
Please pray for that this will be a transforming weekend. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Prayer updates. My father is on day 20 of hospital stay for pancreatits. He is progressing but slowly. Please pray that they can drain fluid this week so he can begin drinking and eating again. Thank you.
Update on my lifelong friend with cancer. She went home to Jesus last night. God allowed me to get to her before she went. It was such a gift to speak to her and hear her whisper back. Her son and I were there when she went shortly after. Heartbroken but blessed
My husband and I are asking for prayer for our son, Michael. Michael was born in December with a very rare congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome with Tricuspid Atresia. It essentially means he only has half of his heart and he will need several open heart surgeries to help allow blood flow to his lungs, and body. Likely later in life he will need a heart transplant. Next month when he is 4 months old, he will be having one of his open heart surgeries. Please pray for the doctors and cardiology team that will be caring for Michael during his surgery and recovery.
Along with the heart defect, he has Craniosynostosis, where some of his skull has fused together prematurely. After he has his heart surgery and recovers, he will have surgery to remove parts of his skull to allow for growth and brain development. Please pray for his recovery.
We see God working in his life every day and he has been such a blessing to our family and would be so grateful for prayer.
6 year old daughter is pretty sick with cough, sore throat and headache - prayers please. Nothing is working to get her better, but I know that prayer can.
I would like to give thanks in all circumstances, be joyful always, and let’s pray continuously for everyone on this prayer wall! Our God is a Mighty Fortress we are a grateful, thankful and blessed people that we have one another and Our Lord Jesus Christ who hears all!
healing & relief of a painful urinary tract condition (inflammation)
Medication helps some but with side effects relief from anxiety
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